Friday, July 27, 2007


Things that have gone wrong all along today. Had to do one small task of copying and pasting a set of data from one file to a template.

mistakes i made.
1. Selected an older template. The issues that had been sorted out were still there.
2. didn't populate the hidden tabs.
Infact I did populate the hidden tabs, only it was a little late.

what it led to...
1. D had to re-work on the issue of the template.
2. D had to re-work on the issue of the template.
3. D had to re-work on the issue of the template.
xx. Couldnot correct the mistake pointed out by D in the hidden tabs, so when i did populate the tabs, the mistakes surfaced again.

God!!! what a day i had. and there's still half of it more to go.

just in: moved away from the blogger, without posting the blog. thankgod, blogger autosaves.

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